JAI JAI JAI GORASKH AVINAASHI, KRIPA KARO GURUDEV PRAKASHI JAI JAI JAI GORAKSH GUNKHAANI, ICHA ROOP YOGI VARDAANI Victory! Triumph! Hail! To the indestructible Goraksh! Be merciful and enlighten us o’ great teacher Salutations to the ever meritous Goraksh! You grant boons assuming any desired form.
ALAKH NIRANJAN TUMHARO NAMA, SADA KARO BHAKTAN HITA KAAMA NAAM TUMHARO JO KOI GAAVE, JANAM JANAM KE DUKH NASAVEY O invisible, imperceptible ultimate being, your name is pure and untainted. You are always benevolent to your devotees. Whoever sings praises in your name, destroy their sorrows for many a lifetimes.
Ghosts and evil spirits never disturb the ones who chant the name of Goraksh. Your knowledge can be attained through yoga (practice of abstract meditation).So vast is your presence in the world, it cannot be fathomed or described completely by us.
NIRAKAR TO HO NIRVAANI, MAHIMA TUMHARI VED BAKHANI GHAT GHAT KE TUM ANTRYAAMI, SIDHA CHOURAASI KAREY PRANAMI You are formless, remaining in eternal bliss, united with the ultimate being.Your glory and might are described in the vedas.Omniscient, you know the thoughts that prevail in the mind of all beings.The 84 accomplished sidhas bow to you.
BHASM ANG GALEY NAAD BIRAJEY, JATA SHEESH ATI SUNDAR SAAJEY TUM BIN DEV OUR NAHI DUJA, DEV MUNIJAN KARTEY POOJA Your body is smeared with ashes and around your neck rests the naad (a small whistle attached to the sacred woolen thread worn by nath ascetics).Matted hair adorns your head like Shiva. Divine beings and sages worship you, without you there is no deity for us.
CHIDANAND BHAKTAN HITAKARI, MANGAL KARO AMANGAL HAARI PURNABRAMHA SAKAL GHATWASI, GORAKSHNATH SAKAL PRAKASHI Remaining in an ever blissful state, you always benefit your devotees.Kindly be benevolent and destroy our misfortunes.O perfect all pervading spirit, you dwell in everyone’s soul.Gorakshnath enlightens the entire world!
GORAKSH GORAKSH JO KOI GAVEY, BRAMHA SWAROOP KA DARSHAN PAVEY SHANKAR ROOP DHAR DAMARU BAJEY, KANAN KUNDAL SUNDER SAJEY Whoever chants the name of Goraksh, gets to see the supreme spirit of the universe.Assuming the form of Shiva, you play his drum.Beautiful kundals (large hoop earrings worn by nath yogis in the cartilage of the ears) adorn your ears.
NITYANAND HAI NAAM TUMHARA, ASUR MAAR BHAKTAN RAKHWARA ATI VISHAL HAI ROOP TUMHARA, SUR NAR MUNI PAAVE NAHI PAARA Your name is the source of constant perpetual joy. By killing the demons, you protect your devotees. Even great saints and divine beings have not been able to measure the depth of your/ extremely extensive (grand) form in this world.
DEENBANDHU DEENAN HITAKARI, HARO PAAP HUM SHARAN TUMHARI YOGA YUKTA TUM HO PRAKASHA, SADA KARO SANTAN TAN VAASA Friend and benefactor of the poor and the wretched destroy our sins as we are under your refuge.You are enlightened with perfection in yoga, always dwelling in the souls of the saints.
PRATAHKAAL LEY NAAM TUMHARA, SIDHI BHADEY OUR YOGA PRACHARA JAI JAI JAI GORAKSH AVINASHI, APNEY JAN KI HARO CHOURASI Whoever prays to you early in the mornings, will master and propogate the belief in yoga. Victory to the indestructable Goraksh, relieve your devotees from the cycle of births and deaths.
ACHAL AGAM HAI GORAKSH YOGI, SIDHI DEO HARO RAS BHOGI KATO RAAH YAMA KI TUM AAYI, TUM BIN MERA KAUN SAHAI Goraksh you are an immovable, changeless, constant yogi, knowing all of the future and the past. O great ascetic give us the perfect knowledge of yoga and destroy our delight in sinful acts. You can even stop the onslaught of Yama, the God of death. Without you who would help me?
KRIPA SINDHU TUM HO SUKH SAGAR, PURNA MANORATH KARO KRIPAKAR YOGI-SIDHA VICHAREY JAGA MAHI, AVAGAMAN TUMHARA NAHI Ocean of mercy, you are the source of eternal peace and joy. Kindly grant us your blessings and fulfil our heart’s desires. Many perfected yogis wander on this earth, but you have neither birth nor death here. You are ever existent.
AJAR AMAR TUM HO AVINASHI, KATO JANA KI LAKH CHOURASI TAPA KATHORE HAI ROZE TUMHARA, KO JANA JANEY PAR APAARA Not subject to age, you are unchanging, everyouthful and immortal. Please stop the cycle of births and deaths (according to hindu mythology beings have to go through the suffering of 1,84,000 births and deaths before the soul attains nirvana). To practice your austerities everyday is very difficult, but those who succeed become unsurpassed, unbounded yogis.
YOGI LAKHEY TUMHARI MAYA, PARAM BRAMHA SEY DHYAN LAGAYA DHYAN TUMHARA JO KOI LAVEY, AHSTA SIDHI NAV-NIDHI GHAR PAVEY Only Yogis can understand your magnificent powers and illusions. You have meditated andmerged with the highest spirit of the universe. Hence those who meditate on you are endowed with asta-sidhi (eight types of supernatural powers) and nine infinitely precious qualities.
SHIV GORAKSH HAI NAAM TUMHARA, PAPI ADHAM DUSHTA KO TARA AGAM AGOCHAR NIRBHAYA NATHA, YOGI TAPASVI NAVAVEY MATHA You are named shiv-goraksh, synonymous to Lord Shiva. You give salvation to the wicked and the wretched people from their sinful lives. O mysterious, invisible, fearless master, you are omniscient. Yogis and ascetics performing great austerities bow their heads in respect for you.
SHANKAR ROOP AVATAR TUMHARA, GOPICHAND-BHARATARI TAARA SUN LIJI GURU ARJ HAMARI, KRIPA SINDHU YOGI BRAMHACHARI You are the incarnation of Lord Shiva. You immortalized Gopichand and Bharatari (kings who becamehis staunch disciples).O respected teacher, do listen to our pleas too. Sea of grace, you are a chaste and virtuous yogi (following celibacy)
POORNA AAS DAAS KI KIJEY, SEVAK JAAN GYAN KO DIJEY PATIT -PAAVAN UDHAM UDHARA, TINA KE HITA AVATAR TUMHARA Kindly fulfil the wishes of this servant. Accepting me as your devotee, bestow upon me yourteachings. You purify the sinful and extricate the down trodden and fallen people. For their benefit is your incarnation in the world.
ALAKH NIRANJAN NAAM TUMHARA, AGAM PANTH JINEY YOGA PRACHARA JAI JAI JAI GORAKSH AVINASHI, SEVA KAREY SIDHA CHOURASI O’ imperceptible omnipresent divine being, your name is pure and untainted (alakh and niranjan are other titles of Lord Shiva). Creator and propagator of the path of yoga, salutations to you o indestructible Goraksh. The eighty-four accomplished disciples serve and worship you.
SADA KARO BHAKTAN KALYAN, NIJA SWAROOP PAVE NIRVAAN JO NITA PADHEY GORAKSH CHALISA, HOYE SIDHA YOGI JAGADISHA Granting salvation forever to your devotees, in this form you reunite with God in eternal bliss. One who reads the forty verses of Goraksh chalisa everyday, would attain with perfect knowledge and super powers becoming a master in yoga.
BARAH PATH PADHEY NIT JOHI, MANOKAMANA PURANA HOHI DHOOP DEEP SEY ROTE CHADHAVEY, HAATH JODE KAR DHYAN LAGAVEY One who reads the chalisa twelve times daily, would get his wishes fulfilled. Offering the rote(prasad made with wheat flour) with lighted lamp incense, one should meditate deeply with folded hands.
AGAM AGOCHAR NATH TUM, PAR BRAMHA AVATAR KANANA KUNDALS SIRA JATA, ANG VIBHUTI APAAR SIDDHA PURUSH YOGESHWAR, DO MUJHKO UPDESH HAR SAMAY SEVA KAROON, SUBHAH SHAM AADESH SUNEY SUNAVEY PREMA VASH, POOJEY APNEY AAP MANA ICHA SAB KAAMANA, PUERY GORAKSH NATH O’ mysterous all prevading spirit, you are aware of all the future and the past. Master of the world, you are the divine incarnate of Shiva. O’ king of Yogis, perfected being, kindly grant me your teachings. Let me be always at your service, mornings and evenings always ready for your command. Hearing and saying this prayer, enchanted, let us worship with our soul and our heart’s desire and all wishes would be fulfilled by Goraksh nath!
Gorakh Nath Bani :-
Maro ve jogi maro,Marana hai mitha Tisa marani maro jisa,Marani gorakha mari ditha
O Yogi die; die to the world(being absorbed in the yogic state of deep trance). Such death is sweet. Die in the manner of Goraksa who ‘died’ (to the world) and then saw the Invisible.
Habaki na boliba thabaki na,Caliba dhire dhariva pavam Garaba na kariba sahajai, Rahiba bhanata gorasa ravam
Speak not in haste (without understanding), walk not in haste (without knowing the path). Take slow cautious steps (in the path of yoga). Let not pride overtake you. Lead a simple life (free of passions), says Goraksanath.
Goraksa kahai suna hare avadhu, Jaga mai aisai rahanam Amse desiba kanai suniva, Musa thai kachu na kahana
Goraksha says: Listen, O Avadhuta, this is how you should lead your life in this world. See with your eyes (the illusions of the world), hear with your ears but never speak. Just be a dispassionate witness to the happenings around you. Do not react.
Asana drdha ahara drdha, Jo nidra drdha hoya Natha kahem suna balaka, Mare na budha hoya
Goraksa says one who remains steadfast in observing his sadhna keeping his spiritual practice, food habits and sleeping habits under strict yogic discipline (renouncing the pleasures of the body and lethargy) neither grows old nor dies.
Siva Goraksa yaha mantra, Hai sarv sukho ka sara Japo baitha ekanta mem, Tana ki sudhi bisara
Goraksa says- Om Siva Goraksa Yogi is the mantra, which is the substance of all true joys. One should repair to a solitary place and chant this mantra so devoutly that he becomes oblivious of his own body
Siva goraksa subhanama, Me sakti bhari agadha Lene se haim tara, Gaye nica koti ke vyadha
Om Siva Goraksa Yogi- this auspicious mantra contains measureless sakti (power). It is so powerful that even sinners of the worst kind have attained moksa just by chanting this mantra.
Ajapa jape sunya mara dhare, Pamcom indriya nigraha kare Brahma agni mem home kaya, Tasu mahadeva bande paya
Goralsa says he who chants the name vocally or non-vocally (japa – ajapa), meditates, controls the five senses (withdrawing) from their pleasures and burns his body in dhayna brahmagni (the holy fire of Brahma) finds Mahadeva.
Mana murakha samajhe, Nahim yoga marg ki bata Ati cancal bhatakata phire, Kare bahuta utpata
The mind is dull and fails to comprehend the secret of the yogamarga (the path of yoga). It is very capricious and is always engaged in mischief (non spiritual activities), thus causing a man to drift away from the true path.
Mana mandira mem vasa hai,Papa punya ka jnana Punya rupa mana sudha hai, Papa asudh mahana
The mind itself is the abode of the good as well as of the evil. One may either let the good prevail or may allow free play to the evil instincts. This mind is pure and pious only when it lets the good in it prosper. If the mind promotes the evil instincts residing in it then it becomes impure and impious. Yogamarga is the means by which the mind can be trained to promote and sustain the good instincts.
JAI JAI JAI GORASKH AVINAASHI, KRIPA KARO GURUDEV PRAKASHI JAI JAI JAI GORAKSH GUNKHAANI, ICHA ROOP YOGI VARDAANI Victory! Triumph! Hail! To the indestructible Goraksh! Be merciful and enlighten us o’ great teacher Salutations to the ever meritous Goraksh! You grant boons assuming any desired form.
ALAKH NIRANJAN TUMHARO NAMA, SADA KARO BHAKTAN HITA KAAMA NAAM TUMHARO JO KOI GAAVE, JANAM JANAM KE DUKH NASAVEY O invisible, imperceptible ultimate being, your name is pure and untainted. You are always benevolent to your devotees. Whoever sings praises in your name, destroy their sorrows for many a lifetimes.
Ghosts and evil spirits never disturb the ones who chant the name of Goraksh. Your knowledge can be attained through yoga (practice of abstract meditation).So vast is your presence in the world, it cannot be fathomed or described completely by us.
NIRAKAR TO HO NIRVAANI, MAHIMA TUMHARI VED BAKHANI GHAT GHAT KE TUM ANTRYAAMI, SIDHA CHOURAASI KAREY PRANAMI You are formless, remaining in eternal bliss, united with the ultimate being.Your glory and might are described in the vedas.Omniscient, you know the thoughts that prevail in the mind of all beings.The 84 accomplished sidhas bow to you.
BHASM ANG GALEY NAAD BIRAJEY, JATA SHEESH ATI SUNDAR SAAJEY TUM BIN DEV OUR NAHI DUJA, DEV MUNIJAN KARTEY POOJA Your body is smeared with ashes and around your neck rests the naad (a small whistle attached to the sacred woolen thread worn by nath ascetics).Matted hair adorns your head like Shiva. Divine beings and sages worship you, without you there is no deity for us.
CHIDANAND BHAKTAN HITAKARI, MANGAL KARO AMANGAL HAARI PURNABRAMHA SAKAL GHATWASI, GORAKSHNATH SAKAL PRAKASHI Remaining in an ever blissful state, you always benefit your devotees.Kindly be benevolent and destroy our misfortunes.O perfect all pervading spirit, you dwell in everyone’s soul.Gorakshnath enlightens the entire world!
GORAKSH GORAKSH JO KOI GAVEY, BRAMHA SWAROOP KA DARSHAN PAVEY SHANKAR ROOP DHAR DAMARU BAJEY, KANAN KUNDAL SUNDER SAJEY Whoever chants the name of Goraksh, gets to see the supreme spirit of the universe.Assuming the form of Shiva, you play his drum.Beautiful kundals (large hoop earrings worn by nath yogis in the cartilage of the ears) adorn your ears.
NITYANAND HAI NAAM TUMHARA, ASUR MAAR BHAKTAN RAKHWARA ATI VISHAL HAI ROOP TUMHARA, SUR NAR MUNI PAAVE NAHI PAARA Your name is the source of constant perpetual joy. By killing the demons, you protect your devotees. Even great saints and divine beings have not been able to measure the depth of your/ extremely extensive (grand) form in this world.
DEENBANDHU DEENAN HITAKARI, HARO PAAP HUM SHARAN TUMHARI YOGA YUKTA TUM HO PRAKASHA, SADA KARO SANTAN TAN VAASA Friend and benefactor of the poor and the wretched destroy our sins as we are under your refuge.You are enlightened with perfection in yoga, always dwelling in the souls of the saints.
PRATAHKAAL LEY NAAM TUMHARA, SIDHI BHADEY OUR YOGA PRACHARA JAI JAI JAI GORAKSH AVINASHI, APNEY JAN KI HARO CHOURASI Whoever prays to you early in the mornings, will master and propogate the belief in yoga. Victory to the indestructable Goraksh, relieve your devotees from the cycle of births and deaths.
ACHAL AGAM HAI GORAKSH YOGI, SIDHI DEO HARO RAS BHOGI KATO RAAH YAMA KI TUM AAYI, TUM BIN MERA KAUN SAHAI Goraksh you are an immovable, changeless, constant yogi, knowing all of the future and the past. O great ascetic give us the perfect knowledge of yoga and destroy our delight in sinful acts. You can even stop the onslaught of Yama, the God of death. Without you who would help me?
KRIPA SINDHU TUM HO SUKH SAGAR, PURNA MANORATH KARO KRIPAKAR YOGI-SIDHA VICHAREY JAGA MAHI, AVAGAMAN TUMHARA NAHI Ocean of mercy, you are the source of eternal peace and joy. Kindly grant us your blessings and fulfil our heart’s desires. Many perfected yogis wander on this earth, but you have neither birth nor death here. You are ever existent.
AJAR AMAR TUM HO AVINASHI, KATO JANA KI LAKH CHOURASI TAPA KATHORE HAI ROZE TUMHARA, KO JANA JANEY PAR APAARA Not subject to age, you are unchanging, everyouthful and immortal. Please stop the cycle of births and deaths (according to hindu mythology beings have to go through the suffering of 1,84,000 births and deaths before the soul attains nirvana). To practice your austerities everyday is very difficult, but those who succeed become unsurpassed, unbounded yogis.
YOGI LAKHEY TUMHARI MAYA, PARAM BRAMHA SEY DHYAN LAGAYA DHYAN TUMHARA JO KOI LAVEY, AHSTA SIDHI NAV-NIDHI GHAR PAVEY Only Yogis can understand your magnificent powers and illusions. You have meditated andmerged with the highest spirit of the universe. Hence those who meditate on you are endowed with asta-sidhi (eight types of supernatural powers) and nine infinitely precious qualities.
SHIV GORAKSH HAI NAAM TUMHARA, PAPI ADHAM DUSHTA KO TARA AGAM AGOCHAR NIRBHAYA NATHA, YOGI TAPASVI NAVAVEY MATHA You are named shiv-goraksh, synonymous to Lord Shiva. You give salvation to the wicked and the wretched people from their sinful lives. O mysterious, invisible, fearless master, you are omniscient. Yogis and ascetics performing great austerities bow their heads in respect for you.
SHANKAR ROOP AVATAR TUMHARA, GOPICHAND-BHARATARI TAARA SUN LIJI GURU ARJ HAMARI, KRIPA SINDHU YOGI BRAMHACHARI You are the incarnation of Lord Shiva. You immortalized Gopichand and Bharatari (kings who becamehis staunch disciples).O respected teacher, do listen to our pleas too. Sea of grace, you are a chaste and virtuous yogi (following celibacy)
POORNA AAS DAAS KI KIJEY, SEVAK JAAN GYAN KO DIJEY PATIT -PAAVAN UDHAM UDHARA, TINA KE HITA AVATAR TUMHARA Kindly fulfil the wishes of this servant. Accepting me as your devotee, bestow upon me yourteachings. You purify the sinful and extricate the down trodden and fallen people. For their benefit is your incarnation in the world.
ALAKH NIRANJAN NAAM TUMHARA, AGAM PANTH JINEY YOGA PRACHARA JAI JAI JAI GORAKSH AVINASHI, SEVA KAREY SIDHA CHOURASI O’ imperceptible omnipresent divine being, your name is pure and untainted (alakh and niranjan are other titles of Lord Shiva). Creator and propagator of the path of yoga, salutations to you o indestructible Goraksh. The eighty-four accomplished disciples serve and worship you.
SADA KARO BHAKTAN KALYAN, NIJA SWAROOP PAVE NIRVAAN JO NITA PADHEY GORAKSH CHALISA, HOYE SIDHA YOGI JAGADISHA Granting salvation forever to your devotees, in this form you reunite with God in eternal bliss. One who reads the forty verses of Goraksh chalisa everyday, would attain with perfect knowledge and super powers becoming a master in yoga.
BARAH PATH PADHEY NIT JOHI, MANOKAMANA PURANA HOHI DHOOP DEEP SEY ROTE CHADHAVEY, HAATH JODE KAR DHYAN LAGAVEY One who reads the chalisa twelve times daily, would get his wishes fulfilled. Offering the rote(prasad made with wheat flour) with lighted lamp incense, one should meditate deeply with folded hands.
AGAM AGOCHAR NATH TUM, PAR BRAMHA AVATAR KANANA KUNDALS SIRA JATA, ANG VIBHUTI APAAR SIDDHA PURUSH YOGESHWAR, DO MUJHKO UPDESH HAR SAMAY SEVA KAROON, SUBHAH SHAM AADESH SUNEY SUNAVEY PREMA VASH, POOJEY APNEY AAP MANA ICHA SAB KAAMANA, PUERY GORAKSH NATH O’ mysterous all prevading spirit, you are aware of all the future and the past. Master of the world, you are the divine incarnate of Shiva. O’ king of Yogis, perfected being, kindly grant me your teachings. Let me be always at your service, mornings and evenings always ready for your command. Hearing and saying this prayer, enchanted, let us worship with our soul and our heart’s desire and all wishes would be fulfilled by Goraksh nath!
Gorakh Nath Bani :-
Maro ve jogi maro,Marana hai mitha Tisa marani maro jisa,Marani gorakha mari ditha
O Yogi die; die to the world(being absorbed in the yogic state of deep trance). Such death is sweet. Die in the manner of Goraksa who ‘died’ (to the world) and then saw the Invisible.
Habaki na boliba thabaki na,Caliba dhire dhariva pavam Garaba na kariba sahajai, Rahiba bhanata gorasa ravam
Speak not in haste (without understanding), walk not in haste (without knowing the path). Take slow cautious steps (in the path of yoga). Let not pride overtake you. Lead a simple life (free of passions), says Goraksanath.
Goraksa kahai suna hare avadhu, Jaga mai aisai rahanam Amse desiba kanai suniva, Musa thai kachu na kahana
Goraksha says: Listen, O Avadhuta, this is how you should lead your life in this world. See with your eyes (the illusions of the world), hear with your ears but never speak. Just be a dispassionate witness to the happenings around you. Do not react.
Asana drdha ahara drdha, Jo nidra drdha hoya Natha kahem suna balaka, Mare na budha hoya
Goraksa says one who remains steadfast in observing his sadhna keeping his spiritual practice, food habits and sleeping habits under strict yogic discipline (renouncing the pleasures of the body and lethargy) neither grows old nor dies.
Siva Goraksa yaha mantra, Hai sarv sukho ka sara Japo baitha ekanta mem, Tana ki sudhi bisara
Goraksa says- Om Siva Goraksa Yogi is the mantra, which is the substance of all true joys. One should repair to a solitary place and chant this mantra so devoutly that he becomes oblivious of his own body
Siva goraksa subhanama, Me sakti bhari agadha Lene se haim tara, Gaye nica koti ke vyadha
Om Siva Goraksa Yogi- this auspicious mantra contains measureless sakti (power). It is so powerful that even sinners of the worst kind have attained moksa just by chanting this mantra.
Ajapa jape sunya mara dhare, Pamcom indriya nigraha kare Brahma agni mem home kaya, Tasu mahadeva bande paya
Goralsa says he who chants the name vocally or non-vocally (japa – ajapa), meditates, controls the five senses (withdrawing) from their pleasures and burns his body in dhayna brahmagni (the holy fire of Brahma) finds Mahadeva.
Mana murakha samajhe, Nahim yoga marg ki bata Ati cancal bhatakata phire, Kare bahuta utpata
The mind is dull and fails to comprehend the secret of the yogamarga (the path of yoga). It is very capricious and is always engaged in mischief (non spiritual activities), thus causing a man to drift away from the true path.
Mana mandira mem vasa hai,Papa punya ka jnana Punya rupa mana sudha hai, Papa asudh mahana
The mind itself is the abode of the good as well as of the evil. One may either let the good prevail or may allow free play to the evil instincts. This mind is pure and pious only when it lets the good in it prosper. If the mind promotes the evil instincts residing in it then it becomes impure and impious. Yogamarga is the means by which the mind can be trained to promote and sustain the good instincts.
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